Got the land but no machinery? The Whitetail Institute Imperial No-Plow Wildlife Planting Seed blend delivers a hardy food plot that establishes quickly, grows fast, and doesn't need a lot of ground work. If you can access your plot by ATV or foot, and it gets at least 3 or 4 hours of sunlight per day, this seed mix includes specially selected clovers, brassica, WINA 412 Radish and other forages that grow easily. This high-protein mix provides up to 9 months of forage with soil prep that can be done by hand. The Imperial No-Plow Wildlife Planting Seed is highly resistant to drought and cold.
Manufacturer model #: NP9.
- Hardy seed mix establishes quickly and grows fast
- Doesn't require a lot of soil prep work
- Thrives on as little as 3 or 4 hours of sunlight a day
- High-protein mix of clovers, brassica, and other forage
- Provides up to 9 months of forage
- Highly drought and cold resistant